- Surgeon Simulator – is coming to PS4. Good, I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing this.
- Star Wars Imitators – I’ll argue with the author of this post about Battlestar Galactica. BG didn’t try to be like Star Wars but was only possible in the wake of SW’s success. Different things.
- Slenderman – People Slenderman is not the name of a superhero. Stop stabbing people because he asks you too.
- Sigourney Weaver – will return for the Avatar sequels, but not as her character in the first movie. Makeup to the set!
- Skybox – Google bought a satellite company called Skybox. Not saying Google is Skynet, but this doesn’t help their case any.
- Warp Drive – NASA, if you build it, they will come. Like A Field Of Dreams right?
- NCAA Payouts – Video game makers will pay for using student athletes likenesses.
- The Mountain – becomes The Hulk, no CGI necessary.
Daily 8-Bit — Jun 10, 2014